Romanian stone for construction – quality, cultural heritage value, scientific designation – project funded by the Ministry of Education and Research through the Core Program 2019-2022, having as contractor the Geological Institute of Romania (contract no. 28N/2019, project code PN 19-45-02-01).
Excepting the rocks used for transport and construction infrastructure which show variations in both directions of quantitative or qualitative demand, the local and regional stone market is declining in Europe; Romania is no exception and is under the position of neighboring countries.
This is largely due to a general lack of knowledge of key authorities, i.e. builders and architects who decide on the role of stone in architecture, regardless of their geological, ornamental or durability characteristics.
In this context, the RoQ-STONE project set its objectives taking into account the existing situation in Romania regarding the inventory of non-metallic mineral resources, in comparison with the data available at pan-European level, at different levels of access, but also with ongoing programs and projects in this direction in EU or non-EU countries.
The main objective of project is: Harmonization of updated data presentation methodologies and the quality of construction rocks and those with cultural heritage value and connecting to the Information Platform of European Natural Stones.
A specific secondary objective refers to the: Ornamental stone with heritage value. Properties, designation conditions, national and world scientific recognition (Magura Calanului case-study).